Roof Restoration

For reliable roof restorations which are more cost-effective than roof replacements, Hornet Roofing can help in the Greater Wellington Region.

In the majority of cases, carrying out repairs to your roof is much more cost-effective than paying for a brand-new roof. Restoring your roof extends its lifespan, revives its appearance and value at a far less cost than replacing the entire roof.

What does roof restoration typically involve?

When you contact Hornet Roofing we organise a time with you to be on site to inspect your roof, detailing the entire inspection so you know exactly what your roof needs.

Roofs are made from different materials and therefore have different requirements. This may include rust treatment, replacing loose nails, fixing leaks, moss removal, repairs and repainting. At the end of the roof restoration process, your roof is professionally coated with a protective layer, and ensures it is looking it’s best.

What types of roofs can you restore?

Hornet Roofing has seen every type and condition of roof. Our team of roofing contractors have expertise and talent in restoring corrugated iron roofs, concrete tile roofs, decramastic roofs and terracotta tiled roofs.